When We Meet

Addictive Behavior Groups (Men/ Women)
Whether you struggle with alcohol, drug (prescription or street) abuse, gambling, pornography or any other addiction, you have a place at Celebrate Recovery. In our small groups you needn’t feel alone as you will find others who have walked in your shoes. Your confidentiality and anonymity will be protected .

Life Issues/ Hurts/ Hang-ups (Men/ Women)
This group is for you if you find yourself trying to rescue, fix or control others. These are characteristics of being co-dependent. Members of this group also attend due to anger, bitterness, resentment, pride, grief, or anything else that is not addiction or abuse related.

Men's Anger Group
Different people handle anger different ways. For some, an angry episode might include yelling, slamming doors or intimidating people in his path. Others may deal with their anger by stuffing or suppressing their feelings of anger. Both ways are destructive to us and others. Recognizing and accepting responsibility for toxic patterns of behavior is the first hurdle to overcome as one runs the race toward true freedom from anger. Walking through the recovery process with Jesus Christ allows us to admit our powerlessness to control our anger and trust that Jesus will help us to overcome our destructive habits.

6th-8th Graders
A safe space for students dealing with feelings of rejection, anger, low self-esteem
and various other issues. It is a Christ centered 12 step program based
on the 8 Principles found in Matthew 5. Students will gain access
to tools which will enable them to find true healing and victory.
Drop off in CLC and pick up in the Children's building.
and various other issues. It is a Christ centered 12 step program based
on the 8 Principles found in Matthew 5. Students will gain access
to tools which will enable them to find true healing and victory.
Drop off in CLC and pick up in the Children's building.